This page contains information about Lemmings books. There's not much here now, but I will continue adding information to it.
Prima Games published a book called "Lemmings The Official Companion" in 1993. It includes a disk with 16 new, exclusive Lemmings levels. The book provides step by step solutions for each of the 120 levels in the original Lemmings. It was written by Mark Tsai and A.J. Aranyosi.
In 1995, Puffin Books published two Lemmings adventure gamebooks written by Nigel Gross and Jon Sutherland. The first is called "The Genesis Quest," and the second is called "The Hypnosis Enigma." The first book in the series lets the reader guide 8 of the 12 tribes from Lemmings 2: The Tribes to a medallion piece.
The tribes represented in the first book are:
- Medieval
- Shadow
- Circus
- Space
- Sports
- Classic
- Polar
- Beach
The back of the book reads:
"The world of the Lemmings is drifting into chaos. An
ancient medallion lost, then found in Lemmings 2:
The Tribes has now gone missing again. The
Lemmings' artefact has been broken up and sent to
different parts of their kingdom."
"They desperately need to retrieve this precious
object, and YOU have been asked to help. Are you
ready to accept this challenge to join the Lemmings
on this fateful quest? An incredible cliff-hanging
adventure awaits those brave enough to accept."
These books are full of great black and white Lemmings art, including full page illustrations on some pages, and smaller single Lemming pictures in between text.
I've never read the second book in the series, so I can't say much about it.
Included with earlier packages of Lemmings 2: The Tribes was a storybook called "The Story of the Twelve Tribes of Lemming Island." It tells the story of young Jimmy McLemming (from the Higland Tribe) traveling to tell the other tribes of the coming darkness, and the mission to retrieve the pieces of the Talisman. The book is 72 pages long and was written by Richard Biltcliffe, and illustrated by David and Sue Rowe. Includes some really nice color Lemmings art, with illustrations for each tribe.
There have been many other Lemmings books released, but they are all (to the best of my knowledge) strategy guides. I will try to gather and post pictures of those in the future.