This page provides information about various Lemmings promotional items. The information here is by no means complete. If you have any additional information, or own any Lemmings items that are not listed on this page, please email me with the information. I am especially interested in pictures, but even if you don't have them, still email me. I can be reached by email at:
"lemmings" (remove the space in "lemmings universe").
The pins pictured below were distributed with Lemmings 2: The Tribes. One pin was included in each box in Europe. I don't know if they were ever available in the US. There are 12 pins in the set, one for each tribe.
There was also a Holiday Lemmings pin produced. It was included with some packages of Holiday Lemmings. The picture below is not very good. I now own this pin, so I'll try to get a better picture up soon.
I'm not sure which game the pin below was distributed with. It is the Lemming pictured on the front of the original Lemmings instruction manual. If you know where this came from, please let me know.
The keychain below was most likely included with 3D Lemmings in the UK.
Below is a Lemmings 2: The Tribes T-Shirt. I'm not the original owner, so I don't know where it came from. You may notice that the Shadow and Beach Lemmings are missing.

(Click to Enlarge)
Pictured below is a Lemmings 2: The Tribes mug. I don't have much information about it. If you know anything about where it came from, please email me. Thanks to Daniel for the picture. Check out his website at (link removed due to Gator popups on the site).
The CD pictured below was released in 1993 by a band called SFX. The album was also released on 7" vinyl and cassette tape. It has 4 songs on it. They are titled:
- Lemmings (7" Mix)
- Lemmings (Bebop Extended Mix)
- Lemmings (The Hamster Jam Mix by The Space Invaders)
- I Think You'd Better Do What He Says

SFX Lemmings
The inside cover of the CD shows a screenshot of one of the Highland Tribe levels from Lemmings Tribes. At the end of song four, a walkthrough for the level is given.
The cardboard cutouts pictured below were promotionals for Holiday Lemmings, original Lemmings and Oh No! More Lemmings. I don't know much else about them. (Click on any of them to enlarge)

Below is a list of a few other items I know about, but don't have pictures of. If you have more information about these items (descriptions, pictures etc.), please email me.
- Lemmings Posters (Lemmings 2 Poster pic coming soon)
- Lemmings Chronicles/ANWOL T-Shirt
- Lemmings Paintball T-Shirt
- Original Lemmings T-shirt (not sure about this)
- Lemmings Revolution T-Shirt